That summer morning when he woke up, he wanted to unremember.
He wanted to unremember the Dream that had turned nightmare.
A nightmare that surpassed dawn and clouded him until the morning sun shone.
He realised that he had met his Nemesis.
The date on his watch read " 30 THU ". The time had come.
An invalid date could not have signaled a more valid message.
Running would not be enough. That very morning, he would have to run away.
He had always banked on Einstein's quote about Reality being a function of time.
The Reality however, as he Realised that morning, was that it was time.
Time for him to set himself up for a pilgrimage.
Seek answers to questions that had been making his head spin in several multiples of 360 degrees over the past days that had spilled into a few weeks and then a couple of months.
The innocent fella he was, he was not going to leave any debts behind for me to repay. As in, no monetary debts
But what an arrogant fella I tell ya, he was talking about Indebtedness; about how his life resembled an unbalanced sheet now, reflecting the bordering mental and sentimental imbalance he thought he was going through.
Sometimes, he takes things into his head. That egg shaped head I too inherited from him.
Whoever told him that Life was Fair!
Anyways, before your head starts spinning, let me declutter things up.
Breathe easy. Breathe in slowly. Breathe out quickly.
Now that you are ready, let me break this piece of news to you.
Vishwas Mysore has met with his Nemesis. He has chosen to leave all of us. He has run away. Away from all that was troubling him.
Who am I then, you may ask.
I am his alter ego.
I know all his dark and bright secrets. Well, almost all.
He has left somethings behind for me to deal with. Like for example, his job. And the pay that comes with it. Luckily, he didnt owe any money to anyone. But then, his assets are apparently mine only so long as I don't try to sell them off. Smart fucker. Super-power of attorney it seems! Superior joke. Only that the joke is on me. His Alter Ego. Whatay fucker! He apparently reserves the right to claim just in case he feels like returning into our midst. Irresponsible fella ! He has run away from problems and wants to come back if he feels like. Especially if all problems have been solved. And if he can be assured that there shall be no more problems.
That last bit about wanting to have no problems.
Like it's gonna happen. Jackass! For all his self-proclaimed knowledge and useless education. Anyways.I am his alter ego. So, I cant belittle him beyond a point.
But he was a nice fella in his own way. Well meaning and well intentioned. I only wish him well. I'm not too sure if I'm gonna miss him. Not any more than he's gonna miss me.
His parting words to me were on the lines of Him wanting to put his mind over matter.
I felt like throwing some batter on him. That could have cured him of his mental ailment.
Mind over batter would have baked some nice biscuits to munch on. Given the heat inside his already half-baked mind.
There I go again. I apologise. I mean no disrespect. But then, I have now taken over.
He and I are a lot similar. Yet so different. I dont have any emotional baggage though.
It is now my turn. Huhuhaahah (Roars of laughter).
--Seizonsha aka Sthiramathi (that naive guy - Vishwas Mysore's alter-ego)