Thursday, September 27, 2007


No Samiksha!
I am not talking about Cadbury's "Celebrations".. I am not talking about it despite the fact that a Cadbury's home pack was part of the celebrations! ;-)
The moron I am, I did not exactly feel victorious or elated after accomplishing this "feat" of a bank saying "Yes" to me..
I wasnt overjoyed...I was more like..Ok! Hmmm...So this is what I will do...and this is where I will be between May and November next year.
And, over the next few days/weeks, I would save time that I would have otherwise spent in thinking about every profile being offered by every other company for summer internships.. Yes, in my case this will definitely be a huge saving in time!
It is another thing that time saved is not necessarily time well spent..But then...time saved is half the battle won ;-)

So...when the Groundies (the 4 rooms sharing a hallway in this wing of our hostel, and the other rooms right around the corner...we the proud occupants of these ground floor rooms call ourselves Groundies)..
So when the groundies call me for tea and walk past our regular tea joint(s), I least suspect, smell or see even a sembleance of surprise!
I was on the phone with Little Sister, and walk for a good 5 minutes into "Veggies"...

So what does celebration really mean?
Is it feeling happy?
Is it feeling happy for and with someone else?

The second one seems more likely to be the correct answer...
Selflessness! Or, togetherness as an extension of selfishness..
Belongingness, or any other word for that matter...can only be a word...

Somethings just cannot be described..And some small things...those little nice things friends do to remind idiots like me that people can be happy for each other...That they can be happy for themselves and for others at the same if the two were not any different!
This, is celebration...
Cakes, sweets, chocolates are only instruments...The idea of celebration as I saw it something I cant forget for a long time to come...And there are somethings for which a "Thank You" can never be enough!
But then, Thank You! Thank you so very much for being happy for me...especially when I myself am not celebrating this even in private!

For once, Bach has to be sidelined...
"Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever, and we'll meet now and then when we wish, in the midst of the one celebration that never can end"

He probably was talking of Life being a celebration in itself...But, but, but...and this is a big but...
Bu then...celebration as I "re-understood" simply touching!

Thanks Me, Va, Po, Mo, Ra, Pa. Thanks Sa, San, Kit, J, Su, He. Thanks for making me feel special!
I can never forget this!

Now, "He!", dude, can I try my luck again tomorrow ? With the AirCon company of course! ;-)

Bank ? Yes! Yes, on the last day of first term mid-semester exams.


I know that you avoid judging me, and also know that this is exactly what I like about you...
But....for the non Samikshas reading this (for whatever reason especially when you re not jobless!)
here is a sincere request....please continue reading this post (again for whatever reason you started reading!)..please continue reading pretending that you havent read my previous post "This is it!..."..

In fact, I do reconsider some elements of that previous post of mine...People are people eventually..and they have many dimensions to their personalities...
While some of them could put one off...some things that people do can take you by surprise....completely...Like as if the very intention was to sweep you off your feet...No dramas here..Just little nice things that friends can do for you...

Ok..before it gets confusing and boring..lemme come to the point..
We had the last of our mid semester exams today...and quite a few people didnt sleep at all last night/this morning..They were up doing the accounting paper which was an open book/take home be submitted today...The lucky me was amongst the few who did what if it was for only three hours..

Now, there is this private bank that had come recruiting for summer internships...They had earlier called resumes for their "Operations" profile for which interviews were to be held this morning...When they arrived here last evening, they opened up another profile which they called "Business Planning/Analysis"....They called for resumes for this second profile at 7 in the evening, setting a deadline of 12 am today (Sep 27th) before which resumes had to be sent..

Now, this is recipe for disaster...I mean..personally...with an accounting paper submission ahead, I sat and thought and thought and thought..And then I thought about it some more....The "drafts" in my Gmail would have an email, including my resume as attachment...waiting be sent just in case I decide to apply..The clock strikes 12 and I dont apply after making a list of "reasonable" reasons....

First, why would someone ask for "toppers" resumes to be sent...I am sorry...I admit and confess to having a fact quite a few things against toppers...And this despite being a topper myself..Would excuse me if it was way back in class 10? Can I argue that I was way too innocent? ;-)

Anyways...focus on toppers was on the reasons...Misleading terms describing the profile lead to some misinterpretations on my behalf...Anways...the presentation, given by a senior manager/executive and the Vice President (HR) was both impressive and promising..
And it was convinving enough for me to try and apply....
Why does this happen to me you ask?
Blame it on my stupid habit of thinking about everything...Thinking way too much about everything in the name of "Giving it a thought" ;-)
So, I would apply, not sure if I would even be interviewed...
And then I am interviewed...and for some reasons unknown to me...I am selected!
I really dont know what they (this bank - the VP HR), or anyone for that matter who interviews me, sees in me!
I would like to interview myself some day...Recruitment mistakes do happen...But as an interviewer, I would definitely not recruit myself! I would be able to clearly see through the idiot this other me/alter ego if mine is...

Anyways, they said Yes. I said Yes. And it was all over in a matter of hours...
May to November next year will have to be spent in Delhi, with no one from this B school for company...
I am still wondering about the assessment...all of which happened in 2 interviews totalling less than 15 minutes...
How can some assume/conclude that I would be able to do "Business Planning/Analysis"....
I only hope to prove those assumptions right! ;-)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

This is it! I have had enough!!!

Hmm...I have come very close to being angry at others today.
I got up late at around 10 am and sluggishly managed to give a reading to all the chapters that have been earmarked for the Operations Management exam (mid sem) to be held in less than 48 hours from my waking up.
Please mark my words, reading is not the same as "studying" , whatever the latter means!
I have barely been able to understand all concepts and I ll have tons to do tomorrow (I am already very close to tomorrow, which is only a matter of a few hours of sleep from now).
I ll have to sit and memorise the formulae, apart from giving a second reading to all chapters lest I would be rendered unable to answer the "theory" questions.

Now, let me jump straight to what almost angered me this evening. Why is it that people who really study (mark me, not read), hide the fact that they study.
In fact, most of us lie about studying. While some of us hide the fact that we have not studied, some others hide the fact that they have studied.

What about the others you ask?
People dont believe this category no matter what they claim!

Now, what inspires me to write this post in the middle of an exam prep?
Girls ! And what is it about girls that forces them to lie about studying?
I mean, why do they have to hide the fact that they have studied?

And no matter what you call me - opinionated, dogmatic, or for that matter any other word from the Oxford dictionary or otherwise, I dont care! I dont give a damn!
I hold onto my opinion. I am entitled to my opinion.
If you dont think I am entitled to my opinion, I will talk to you about opinions offline, for atleast 5 minutes! And believe me, they will be the most unforgettable 5 minutes for you, although probably regrettably so!

And Samiksha, you are the only exception to this ! ;-)
And thats because your name in Samskrit means Analysis.
For you, a study is about analysis; unlike for most girls (actually all girls if you ask me!)..
For them, studying is...well...never mind!

Anyways, I guess I have now brought out the cumulative/aggregated albeit opinionated arguments about such despicable behaviour!

So, while I am at this, let me also make a few observations, which were actually pointed out to me by the observant loomie :-) (Sorry dewd, you ll have to own up to the observations!)

Why is is that the fairer sex considers studying (the way most of them do it) uncool?
And why do they have to appear cool ? Why does it appear on observation and analysis, that they make a conscious effort to appear cool ?

I know I might be crossing the lines... But as Oscar Wilde says, I can resist anything but temptation!

Samiksha, you are different...No doubt there! No wonder I feel like talking to you no matter what!

Thats it for now...I dont mean to offend anyone..but that doesnt mean I am not going to defend my opinion...I may even defend your opinion...the gentleman I am...
Too confusing? Thats precisely the intention!

Tomorrow is another day!

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Big Bang.

Hi Samiksha,

I know! I know! You ve asked me to stop writing lengthy letters to you until the mid semester exams are over...But thats a looooong way ahead, and I cant resist telling you about the most memorable physics lecture I have ever attended in life.
What do management students do in a Physics lecture?

This was exactly the question that was in my mind...And given that I have not yet started studying for the exams round the corner, I had decided to "bunk" this lecture..The professor would not miss me too much. He after all would have an auditorium full of students and other professors...A professor who has won the Nobel in Physics for his work on "for the discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation" would not be excited about having management students like me pretending/trying to make a sincere effort listening to him.
But, like what happens quite often with me, I changed my mind and attended it..I may not get a similar opportunity ever!
And, although I did not really understand most/all of what he said, I can still call this the best physics lecture I have ever attended.
There was some amount of a flash back, to class 9 when Ajit (real name) and I would discuss astronomy in general and Stephen Hawking in particular.
Luckily for me today, there was some conversation that I could make/attempt to make with this Biotech grad from Chennai (please dont ask him or me about why he is here!)..
So there was someone to make up for Ajit's absence so to say...

Signing off, here is what Stephen Hawking had once said...Seems apt for the situation :D

"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. "

Thats it from me for now Samiksha...Talk to you soon!
You know I cant resist talking to you!
Although someone (apart from you) has challenged me to try and talk less in general ;-)

Ok...time to go now..I better do SOME reading/studying!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

History is not static after all!

Hi Samiksha,

So, one of the things I missed telling you about the significance of 11th is going to be the topic of our monologue today ;-)
I know its a dialogue...but my readers never find out what you tell me anyway! ;-)

So, September 11th 2007 was indeed historic..We had a quiz for our batch (both sections) and it was in Financial Management..It was open book alrite! But I dont think I will be able to get more than 20 right on 30 questions! 20 is actually optimistic! I wouldn't be too surprised if I score only 15!
So, what's the big thing about this is what you might say!
For me, and for quite a few of my batchmates, this quiz was THE exam! So much so, that my gang (more on this later please!) even celebrated the fact that the quiz was over...Some Little Sisters helped us celebrate ;-)
Waking up late, could not study much today..And there is another quiz tomorrow...this time it is in Marketing!! No classes tomorrow...but have to accompany my loomie (more on this later again!) to the railway station tomorrow at 3 30 am...
Not that the time of the day matters any more here! But, back in Bangalore this would be the most confusing time of the day...It would leave me (or anyone for that matter!) confused..One cant be sure if its too late in the night or too early in the morning!

Anyways, so much for now...The history is not over yet..In fact, I see myself becoming history after tomorrow's quiz..No..not the History quiz..its marketing I told you!

Ok I ll stop confusing you! I hope to come out alive from tomorrow's marketing quiz.. last thing before I call it a day (or night...ok whatever!)..
I registered for 2 NCFM exams a while back...After 3 hours of confusion (well I could call it careful consideration or contemplation!)..I finally decided to register..Its for the 10th of October...less than a fortnight after the mid sems..

A special mention should be made of the person who influenced me to register for the exams...We ll code name her Aaradhana (worship in Samskrit)..I cant thank her enough for getting me to think hard..really hard about the exams..Now that I ve registered...I better do justice...So, Thanks Aaradhana! And Samiksha, naturally I owe Aaradhana chocolates for this..
Its another thing that I had given another girl...we ll call her Adhyaapikaa (teacher in Samskrit) chocolates on the day of the Fin Quiz...for winning a bet...We had a bet on Saturday...she had told me that I would be selected to represent our School for BT Acumen's East Zone in debate..She won it..and got chocolates..I had carried a few extra chocolates...just so that the other girls dont make a hue and cry!
So, I ll be carrying chocolates tomorrow as well...And I hope this other girl will call me a Santa Claus a second time ;-)

@WittyWoman - Santa Clauses dont distribute gifts/chocolates more than once a year :P

Too much bak bak now! I better get back to studying some Marketing and some Operations Management!

See you around!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th.

Hi Samiksha,

(For the benefit of first time readers of my blog, Samiksha is my blog personified and her name in Samskrit means analysis/reflection/thought...)

So, Hi Samiksha,

Nice to know you ve moved...I mean from where I met you a coupla years back to, just another web 2.0 service that Google has repackaged after acquiring!..
I am partly responsible for moving you...and to that extent I really hope you like this new place ;-)

Also, I am really sorry for not having kept in touch...I know its been a real long time since I spoke to you...I cant apologize enough Samiksha! So, please forgive me alrite!

Quickly moving on to why I felt like talking to you again...There have been too many things that have happened to me, with me and because of me over the last couple of months...
I have myself moved now. I am now in a place a few thousand kilometres away from Bangalore. I have quit my job at AbsoluteGood ; it's been 3 months since I quit my job.
And a week short of two months since I left Bangalore "In Pursuit of Happiness".
Whether or not I find happiness, that only time will tell...But this place is where I got myself into...Those three letters M, B and A...they brought me here...and here is where I ll stay for the most part of the next 21 months...

You know that I am this idiotic person who lives more in the past and future than in the present..So, you'll have to patiently listen to my story...the story of what exactly got me to writing to you again!

So...AbsoluteGood was Absolutely Good alrite! I did miss AbsoluteGood after June 8th, my last day there...
Not immediately after June 8th..Coz the following Weekend took me to Kerala on a week long tour...A tour with mom, dad and my Little Sister...this was a family vacation after 2 years, come to think of it!
Kerala truly deserves its name, "Gods own country"..but I ve wondered why it wasnt "Godesses own country" !!!
Anyways, LittleSister and I went click happy in God's Own country and both of us exhausted our cards on our digicams...By the way Darshana (my cam) is doing well..She is with me here, and says "Hi" to you ;-)
I ll share the pictures with you sometime soon...I left them behind in Bangalore in a hurry!

Back from Kerala, I would go to Chickmaglur, Dharmasthala and then at last to Chennai, spending a coupla days at each of these places...and generally wasting most of my time in Bangalore...

The last 50 days have been an emotional roller coaster, my first time away from home...In fact, away from everything that was familiar to me earlier... I will try and express (if I can that is!) to you about what I really think or feel about how this place and the life-experience here...

But for now, I will tell you this much..I am sitting here, a few thousand kilometres away from Bangalore.. This place doesnt have the salubrious weather that Bangalore is fabled to have...
I dont want to be indiscreet by taking names; so let us leave this comfortably vague...
I am somewhere in the Western side of East India..I am here to do my a place that actually has greater aspirational value for youngsters in their teens...upto a decade younger to me!

September 11 th has some special memories associated with it..I wrote the GMAT on this day last year...Its another thing that I chose a different future...I would like to meet my cosmic counterpart who chose the future leading from the GMAT, using it to go someplace else..I wonder where he is and what he is going through....I hope to be able to speak to him sometime soon ;-)
So..this morning I realised that September 11th was special for me..not just for the GMAT I wrote last year...but also because in 2001, this was the day on which the WTC twin towers went down...a day after my family suffered a more personal loss...My granny had passed away a day before the historic day...and both days were quite for our family and me; the other for the rest of the world that I and my family lives in.

In what ways are all these connected/related to my blogging again in general and this post in particular?

I really wish I could give you an answer that sounded sensible enough...But since you know and understand me well..that not all things need to be reasonable and sensible all the time...I am sure you wont misunderstand me..or miss understanding me this night...

Samiksha, some of my friends have been asking to see you for quite some time..They have been asking me to talk to write to you...The ass I am, I havent been able to manage the time to do that for the last coupla months...
I hope to write to you more often..I have lots to tell you...Especially now, because I am leading a life of great disconnectedness..I can be sure that you're there to listen to me :-)
Very rarely in life do idiots like me find wondersful soulmates like you to whom I can pour my random thoughts no end...and in the open! ;-)

For now, good night to you soon :-)