Friday, September 14, 2007

The Big Bang.

Hi Samiksha,

I know! I know! You ve asked me to stop writing lengthy letters to you until the mid semester exams are over...But thats a looooong way ahead, and I cant resist telling you about the most memorable physics lecture I have ever attended in life.
What do management students do in a Physics lecture?

This was exactly the question that was in my mind...And given that I have not yet started studying for the exams round the corner, I had decided to "bunk" this lecture..The professor would not miss me too much. He after all would have an auditorium full of students and other professors...A professor who has won the Nobel in Physics for his work on "for the discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation" would not be excited about having management students like me pretending/trying to make a sincere effort listening to him.
But, like what happens quite often with me, I changed my mind and attended it..I may not get a similar opportunity ever!
And, although I did not really understand most/all of what he said, I can still call this the best physics lecture I have ever attended.
There was some amount of a flash back, to class 9 when Ajit (real name) and I would discuss astronomy in general and Stephen Hawking in particular.
Luckily for me today, there was some conversation that I could make/attempt to make with this Biotech grad from Chennai (please dont ask him or me about why he is here!)..
So there was someone to make up for Ajit's absence so to say...

Signing off, here is what Stephen Hawking had once said...Seems apt for the situation :D

"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. "

Thats it from me for now Samiksha...Talk to you soon!
You know I cant resist talking to you!
Although someone (apart from you) has challenged me to try and talk less in general ;-)

Ok...time to go now..I better do SOME reading/studying!!!

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